FABA 2024 Virtual Attendee Information Location and DatesGeneral conference sessions will occur on September 19-21, 2024, with pre-conference workshops on Wednesday, September 18.
Finding Your Events OnlineFrom the BehaviorLive homepage, go to My Account > Events. You will see all your registered events, and you'll click the titles to join. You can join each event 20 minutes before it starts. NOTE: Every event is separate, and when an event is over, you must leave and join the next event.
Access the Conference in the AppLogin with the same username/password you used to register for the conference. Click the "Hamburger" menu in the top left corner of the BehaviorLive app (available for free in the Apple AppStore or Google Play Store) and select your conference. From the main conference menu click the Schedule tile > click the event > click "Join Now".
Pre-conference workshops require an additional ticket purchase. Please plan to register for each workshop in advance for the best pre-conference experience. Click here to view this year's workshop lineup.
Conference HighlightsWednesday, September 18th 9:00 am – 12:00 pm - Workshops 1:00 pm – 4/5:00 pm - Workshops 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm - FABA Conference Kickoff
Thursday, September 19th 8:00 am – 8:50 am - Opening Keynote - Dr. Cirincione-Ulezi 11:00 am – 12:30 pm - Keynote - Kaelynn Partlow 4:00 pm - 4:50 pm - Celebration of the Lifetime and Contributions of Henry S. Pennypacker 5:00 pm - 5:50 pm - Celebration of the Lifetime and Contributions of Brian A. Iwata 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm - Presidential Poster Session
Friday, September 20th 8:00 am – 9:00 am - Invited Address - Dr. Heward 11:00 am – 12:30 pm - Presidential Address & Business Meeting
3:30 pm – 4:20 pm - Invited Address - Dr. Soda 4:30 pm – 5:20 pm - Inside Behavior Analysis - Dr. Heward 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm - Ignites @ Nite and Friday Night Social
Saturday, September 21st
8:00 am - 9:00 am - Invited Address - Dr. Hernandez Eslava 11:00 am – 11:50 am - Closing Invited Address - Dr. Dozier
NEW - General Conference Sessions Presented en EspañolWe're excited to announce a new feature at this year's conference - general sessions presented entirely in Spanish! This addition reflects our commitment to inclusivity and ensures all attendees can fully engage at FABA Miami 2024. To find these Spanish-language sessions, open the BehaviorLive app and navigate to the "Schedule" tab. Look for "en Español" to view all sessions presented in Spanish. If you are using the printed conference program, look for the Spanish abstract next to these presentations. Estamos emocionados de anunciar una nueva adición en la conferencia de este año: sesiones generales presentadas completamente en Español. Este cambio refleja nuestro compromiso con la inclusión y asegura que todos los asistentes puedan participar plenamente en FABA Miami 2024. Para encontrar estas sesiones en español, abra la aplicación BehaviorLive y navegue a la pestaña "Schedule". Busque "en Español" para ver todas las sesiones presentadas en español. Si está utilizando el programa impreso de la conferencia, busque los resumes en español junto a estas presentaciones.
Accessibility for Registrants with DisabilitiesFABA is committed to providing an outstanding experience for all participants. We strive for full access to the activities of these events based on an awareness of participants' needs and appropriate planning. Accessibility accommodations for mobility, hearing, vision, or other areas may be provided. We ask that requests for reasonable accommodations requests be made as early as possible, and well in advance of the event, so we may best accommodate individual needs and requirements. Onsite requests will be accommodated to the best of our ability; however, available resources may be limited. You will see the opportunity to express your needs during the registration form as we are here to ensure a comfortable and accessible conference experience. For questions or concerns about accessibility at this year’s conference, please contact [email protected].
Collecting CEUsThroughout each event, you will see 4 pop-up banners that say "CEU Attendance Check". All you have to do is click the "I'm Here" button in the middle when a check appears. Attendance checks appear at random intervals and stay visible for 3 minutes. They disappear when you click the button. At the end of the event, click CEUs > Leave a Review > click Complete Event. BehaviorLive and Online Access If you are attending the live stream, you may access the presentations here. In-person and online attendees have access to the online content and tools available through BehaviorLive. You are encouraged to download the BehaviorLive app from the Apple AppStore or Google Play Store before attending the conference. Useful Links:
Follow Along on Social MediaAs you join in on the incredible sessions and networking opportunities at FABA, don't forget to share your experience on social media! Follow us for live updates, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and exclusive content with invited speakers. Use the hashtag #FABA2024 to connect with other attendees and join the conversation. Follow us on:
Presentation Content and Feedback
Through the process of the Call for Papers, all submissions that included an abstract, title, learning objectives, data, and speaker qualifications are reviewed by over 35 independent reviewers from the field. These reviewers are volunteers from across the state that consist of practitioners and researchers as FABA aims to provide the highest quality, state-of-the-art research findings for attendees. However, FABA does not individually vet the specific content of each live presentation in advance of the event. Therefore, FABA is not responsible for the content a presenter may choose to deliver during a live or pre-recorded presentation nor can the FABA Program Committee guarantee that a presentation includes all relevant facts, data, or the most up-to-date research. FABA is not liable if omissions or errors occur. However, FABA also allows attendees and members to deliver feedback to each presenter through session ratings and feedback narratives immediately upon the conclusion of the session. FABA also provides the email address for each speaker at the conference printed in the conference Program to facilitate an attendee's direct communication with the presenter of concern. In line with the BACB's Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts, FABA encourages attendees to deliver immediate feedback directly to presenters should the need arise and, as always, please reach out to the Program Chair should you need additional clarifications or support.